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29 Ağustos 2022, 19:48
Subject: Doctor Who, Jesse, and Jeremy 136 ube/watch?v=2CYDgezeQas Doctor Who, Jesse, and Jeremy Episode 136 The one near Jeremy was even smaller. The potato head was Jeremy's hip. It ran for the pain stick. Jeremy yelled, "Oh no, you don't!" He dove at the thing and grabbed the ankles and tripped it up. The thing turned in Jeremy's grasp and a Dalek eye stalk came out of its forehead. Jeremy let go. He rolled onto his back and yelled, "Doctor! Doctor! What's happening?!" "They've been taken over by Daleks!" The Doctor yelled, "The Daleks, they're already here!" The child ---the first Sontaran had a Dalek stalk extending out of his forehead, too. "Analysis correct! You are the Doctor. You shall come away from that device or be exterminated! As for your colleague..." The Ralph Fiennes Doctor corrected. "Lover!" The child Sontaran snapped as it crawled over Jeremy's body. "Exter?min--ate!" Jeremy watched, horrified, as the baby Sontaran-Dalek crawled at him, over his chest! He blinked...the thing has its horrid mouth open. FINALE ABOVE GALLIFREY "He's still strong!" Jeremy tipped his body to one side, the Sontaran fell off it. "What is this indignity!!?" The child Sontaran rose up. "This is more than just an eye! It will destroy!" "Oh no, you don't!" Jeremy did a head over hand flip to the side of the Sontaran but landed with hands on the floor and feet behind the Sontaran probic vent. He kicked out at it. The Sontaran fell. The other one ran at the Doctor but Jeremy up and then dove back down to the floor, skidding along it, grabbed for its ankles and tripped it up. It fell forward on its face. "Doctor, I know how you hate..." "Get back! DOWN!!! GET DOWN!!!" The Doctor pushed Jeremy down, covered him with his body and both fell away. This Sontaran exploded into pieces. Muck almost hit the prone Damon. The Doctor pulled Jeremy up, who was surprised at this Doctor's strength. He almost swooned before the Ralph Fiennes face. "Wha? What happened?" "Self-destructed--- like any good Dalek," the Doctor said. The Doctor looked at Damon's uncut penis. It was dripping cum, thick and sandy. Damon looked up sheepishly as Jeremy had begun the work of untying him. "Violent exercise always made me..." "Oh, Damon, next time get a girlfriend..." "I tried. He was called Theta." Jeremy looked up from untying Damon's ankles. "The Doctor?" Damon's ample dick almost hit Jeremy's mouth. Damon looked at the Doctor only. "He didn't want me." The Doctor looked puzzled. "I...uhm, need your help. Do you know where your clothes are?" Then, he looked embarrassed. "Yes." Damon nodded to a storage unit as he rubbed his wrists. "Good cause if you stay like that, I'll go and not get any work done, there's a good chap." Jeremy looked. "I feel the same way about your blue eyes..." "What about my blue GRAY eyes?" The Doctor snapped. "Love them!" Jeremy ran to him, kissed him quickly on the mouth and pulled back. "Oh and I think the bow tie looks good...on you." "Damon? Where are the prisoners from the future? You know, the goodie Dalek, Cyberman, Zygon, Wirn, and Sontaran?" Damon explained. "I saw the Daleks hide them using a Spiridon-Refusian invisibility shield...they should be up there I...Doctor, what's wrong with you?" "Feeling a bit...confused again..." The Ralph Fiennes Doctor held his head. "Could be radiation here?" Jeremy whispered to Damon, "Insult him..." He turned toward the Doctor and loudly proclaimed, "Uhm, even a Refusian would refuse giving refuge to your refuse collection..." Jeremy started a new insult... "Jer, you don't...you don't need to do that anymore." The Doctor put up a hand to stop him. "Besides, I don't think that's going to work...it's okay now anyway. I thought I detected some kind of radiation that can only harm a degenerating Time Lord..." "Perhaps you should sit down and rest?" Jeremy asked. "Yes." Damon agreed. "No, no, can't. There's no time. We have lots to do..." The Doctor ran to the computer banks and back again to the main console in this, the smaller room. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit the Sontaran baby that hard..." "No baby, baby. You had to do what you had to do. It would have killed you and I couldn't have that..." The Ralph Fiennes Doctor put a hand to Jeremy's chin. Jeremy smiled in his hand. Jeremy asked, "Now, what can I do?" The Doctor whirled. He put his hands to his head. "Cor. I have to stop the Daleks coming through which I don't think I'm going to be able to do. Short of that, you have to re-establish the force fields around all of Gallifrey. That machine there..." He pointed to the larger room. "I need you to do that..." "I can't do that. I don't know what I'm doing. Damon can..." "I need him here. We have to not only protect this station with fields, we have to try to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow which just might send all these other universe Daleks back to their own universe...and maybe, hopefully crush them inside the black hole in the process and let me tell you, there's no other species in all the universes that I'd say that about..." "How did these Sontarans-Daleks..." Jeremy blinked. "I can hardly believe I'm saying that...how'd they get here?" "The Daleks couldn't come through the black hole without the vortex and now they'd got that." The Doctor worked furiously on the machinery. "Overlapping. But even that will take some time...which is almost up by the way." He turned to look at Damon and Jeremy. "You must work those there to stop them getting down to Gallifrey itself. These Sontarans weren't retrained. I'd imagine our universe's Daleks contrived to take them over before these arrived. They just joined up with the other universe Daleks...birds of a feather and all that..." "You are most perceptible as ever, Doctor. That's exactly what happened." Damon dressed. "But do I have that right?" He stared into space, off from their conversation. After waiting a few moments, Jeremy started. "Doctor, we're talking about the Dale..." "Of course, I do." He answered his own question. Jeremy relaxed as he finished his word. "...eks." The Doctor stirred himself. He looked around cautiously. "Now then, what happened to the fucker Time Lords here, that were responsible for bringing you here?" The Doctor asked, turning back to his machinery. "They've been exterminated," Damon said, sadly, rubbing his wrists. "Good, good. Good for us. Less troublesome fuckers to deal with." He ran to a device on the wall. "Damon, come over here and hold this down," the Doctor ordered. "Jeremy, go to that machine I pointed out and hold down the red button for two minutes, and turn on the force fields." "I'll do my best but ...same problem." Jeremy gasped. "Know how. I don't know how..." "Get K9 to explain it to you..." "Thanks, Doc..." "...and hurry! They're coming through!" The Doctor looked at a screen on one of the panels. "They're not waiting for their saucers to come out of the hole. They're coming themselves! Coming here! They're small enough to get in..." Billions of Daleks poured out of the saucers and flew toward the station. "Good luck!" The Doctor called to Jeremy, who ran to the room. Damon tapped the Doctor's shoulder. "Don't you think first we should free those..." He turned a switch. In the smaller room, up above, appeared prisoners: a Cyberman, a Dalek, a Wirn, a Zygon, and a Sontaran. They were in see-through translucent bubbles. "Ahh, yes!" The Doctor admitted, "Almost forgot about them. Do you know...?" "Yes, I think so." Damon ran to the machinery and pulled two levers. The bubbles vanished and the five beings fell from the air, no longer suspended. "What the...?" "Hang on!" Damon turned a dial and the five vanished before hitting the floor. "Is that all?" The Doctor asked. "I'd say they're back---sent back to their own worlds and in the future." "But for these Sontarans to do this---there had to be other Daleks here already." The Doctor blinked. "Oh, no, Doctor!" Damon turned as he heard the word, "EXTERMINATE!" from two different places. On either side of the walls, machinery in front of them, were Daleks. One Dalek came right out of the wall, machinery in front of them, the wall in front of them filled with devices and machinery from floor to ceiling, meaning nothing to the Daleks. The devices moved aside, were crushed, and blasted. The machines sparked and piping fell out of the sides of the wall machines. Blasts followed. On the other side of the room, the same thing happened. Two Daleks, completely ignoring the messes of machinery around them, came at the Doctor and Damon. Both Daleks were practically screaming the word, "EXTERMINATE!" "It appears the Daleks have won!" ube/watch?v=a1AnTi1X2QM DOCTOR WHO, JESSE, AND JEREMY Episode 136 THE FINAL LAY OVER GALLIFREY Aka Finale over Gallifrey "DALEKS! LISTEN TO ME! Halt! We have some of the force fields up!" The Doctor yelled, "Exterminate us and they'll never come down!" "Raise your hands!" The Right Dalek snarled. "Hands up!" Damon ordered the Doctor. "That's my line!" He did as Damon ordered. Frowning, Damon, his hands also up, looked at the Doctor, disappointed. The Doctor yelled, "Why'd you wait so long, Daleks!?" "We had to make sure that your ?de-ager would be neutralized so we would not be de-aged!" The Left Dalek yelled, "Now, you shall turn down the force fields or you shall be exterminated!" "Three...two...one..." the Doctor counted. "Stop your needless countdown!" "Ahh, you should have kept an open questioning mind...countdown to what? I knew you were here all along," the Doctor said, "I knew the anti-aging thing wouldn't work on you both so I did the reverse. I reversed the reversal of polarity of the neutron flow." "You believe yourself to be so intelligent but Doctor, you do not know. Do not know that I have set my own countdown...countdown to a radiation bomb that will destroy this station and rain down on the planet below radiation that will enable the Daleks to land en mass on a planet of dead beings...dead Time Lords, dead Gallfreans, dead aliens, dead humans, everyone dead!" The First Dalek laughed. "Did you just laugh?" The Doctor asked, not expecting an answer. "Daleks, don't laugh." The Second Dalek screamed and began to babble and ran around incoherently. Damon asked, "What is it?" "It's inside itself, turning into an old Dalek!" The Doctor ran to the machinery that still survived. "EXPLAIN! EXPLAIN!" The First Dalek yelled. "I just did! You did your radiation bomb and I did that!" The Doctor yelled. He quickly checked the instruments. "Ohh, no! It's set to go off in one minute!" "What now?" Damon asked. Damon followed the Doctor to the machinery. "Doctor, the other one isn't affected!" "I am more machine than living Kaled, Doc---tore...you cannot de-age meeee!" Almost ranting, the Dalek came toward them. "I shall enjoy making you both suffer before you do what I want you to do! Get the force fields down and I shall know...what are you doing? " The Doctor lied to the Dalek. "Uh, getting the force fields down as you ordered!" The Doctor yelled and turned a dial. "Damon! Stand there!" "What? No. Whatever for?" "The power's cut. There's only power for a limited protective field over the control panels. We need you to work them to these to protect this station and now!" Damon pushed the Doctor into the field area and turned a dial. "No, Doctor, we need you to do that." The force field rose up around the Doctor who banged on it. He was now his 8th Persona. "Damon! What are you doing?" "No more orders, Doctor!" Damon turned as the Dalek turned to him. "That field is impenetrable. You can't get through it. I know. I created it." "What?" The Doctor was shocked. The Dalek soon found that was true. It tried blasting the Doctor. The Doctor stared the blast in the face but had to look away to protect his eyes. The blast hit the field on the other side of where his face was seconds before. It was turned back on the Dalek, which moved aside to avoid it. The reflecting blast almost hit it. "You shall die for this, Time Lord!" Damon ran for another lever. He pulled it and a door slid between the two rooms, the Doctor, Dalek, and Damon were all in the smaller room; Jeremy was at the control in the more spacious observatory control room. "And it's impenetrable by Dalek firepower." Jeremy looked at the door had slid shut but he didn't have time to go to it or think about it. He, at the time, was having his own work to do. The Dalek stood impassive over Damon. It uttered nothing to him now. The Dalek, in response, shot Damon. His body turned skeletal. Damon turned and flopped at the force field, which was like a large tube that protected the Doctor. He looked like the 8th Doctor again. "No!" The 8th Doctor had his hands on the field and tried to get through it but could not. The countdown on the screen was moving to 45 seconds. "Doctor, only you can stop that radiation bomb! I can't...goodbye, Doctor." Damon leaned on the force field. "I...Iove you." Damon is shot in the back by the Dalek, which laughed incredibly. It sounded almost evil. "NOOOOOOOO!" The Doctor yelled and grasped with both hands on the invisible wall, a force field he was stuck in. "NOOOOOOO!" Damon was on his back. "Never did this before...died...led a quite quiet life. Unlike you who..." The Dalek eye stalked swiveled to face the Doctor, who watched, horrified. "Doctor, I may not be able to get to you but you shall watch as I kill your friend over and over again...until he has no more lives left to regenerate into..." "NOOOOOOOOO!" Damon was not the Damon we knew. On the ground, his clothes were charred. His body was blackened. Suddenly, it changed into Marky Mark! http://germanbeautysabine.files.wordpress/2012/05/hot-guys-hot-guys-5423402-288-290.jpg The body folded up on the ground. His chest and stomach were seen through burned clothing. "Doctor, the bomb! Stop the bomb now!" The countdown read 35 seconds. The 8th Doctor turned and read some dials. "Of course, yes, of course!" He was crying and had to wipe tears from his eyes. The sound of the Dalek shooting the Marky Mark Damon was heard behind him as he worked. He heard the Dalek gun fire again. The Dalek laughed. "I think, Dalek, that you are more Kaled than you give yourself credit for, you bastard!" The Doctor turned to see Damon changed again... http://www.teenrpg/topic/40458-rynesias-plot-su/ Damon was now a hot guy with frosted blond hair and brunette highlights, long sideburns, a young twenty one year old body with dark blue gray eyes. He was holding his stomach and tried to sit up. He was just about naked now and the burned clothing fell off a muscular body. This happened again and again. The next Damon incarnation was Channing Tatum and he hopped up to face the Dalek but the Dalek gun blasted him against the force field. The Doctor turned to try to catch the body but couldn't of course. The body slid down the force field. On the ground as the Tatum Damon changed into a man that appeared to be in his later twenties with dark hair and broader shoulders... The Dalek shot him again. "What's happening!???" His brain cells confused, Damon yelled as he turned into a thinner but muscled man... "No! I will kill you for this! KILL YOU!" The Doctor raged. He was now the Colin Baker Doctor again. "I swear by the Moons of Avarice, I will destroy every atom in your body!" 19 Seconds. The Valeyard. "Let them all burn!" Alex Pettyfur Doctor. Blond. Shook his head, sniffled his sorrow away, snarled, and turned from the dying African British Damon... "I'm so sorry," the Alex Pettyfur Doctor whispered as he worked on the radiation bomb. "Internal, is it? I can deal with that." "Doctor! Stop it! You must!" The black Damon yelled, "Even though the radiation you felt is making your degenerations go through random selves..." He yelled as he was shot again by the Dalek. The Richard Armitage Doctor nodded. "I know. Past and future selves of myself are coming and going with no logic, no order..." The Jon Pertwee Doctor turned. "I know what I'm doing, Damon! If anyone know how to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow, it's me! Me! Me me." 11 seconds. Other Damons being shot: "I can find many ways to shoot your companion, Doctor." The Dalek shot this Damon in bursa yabancı escort (https://www.sokkan.net/dizin/bursa-yabanci-escort/) the mouth and he screamed. The next Damon: "Oh, my God, where am I? What's going on? Who are you?" "Exterminate!" Shot in the dick. And: http://weheartit/entry/57284934/via/jule_moments "Shot in the brain, Doctor, did you observe that?" http://3.bp.blogspot/_BcAhLr85Pvs/RcJr2aFRY7I/AAAAAAAACRo/GuaxzFbsqKQ/s400/MiloV7.jpg Five Seconds. The Fifth Doctor turned for a second. "There's no reason for this sadism." He turned back to his work, a pained look over his entire face. Typing fast. Another version of Damon was shot in the stomach: http://carisroane/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/HOT-GUY-88-All-Chest.jpg And finally, the Dalek shot the last Damon in both hearts. The last Damon looked like: http://effingjro.files.wordpress/2010/05/jake2.jpg Yes, Jake Gyllenhaal. With long hair. Writhing on the floor, Damon kicked and rose up on his shoulder blades and legs. He gasped for air and tried to breathe one last breath. And did but with that last expiration, he expired and fell onto his back and all the life force came out of him. ONE SECOND! "One, done!" The Doctor, looking like George Gallacio Doctor (see Brain of Morbius). http://www.hypnogoria/html/morbiusdoctors.html, turned around to look at the Dalek. "Up yer bum, Dalek fucker!" The Dalek sounded evil again and triumphant. "But you could not save your friend..." "Yes. I mean no. No, I could not." The moustache sporting Chris Baker Doctor turned to the Dalek. "I know." He knelt down to where Damon's last head was. He could only see the top of the dark hair. The Doctor was now the Robert Holmes Doctor. "I'm sorry, old friend. I could have loved you, too. I still do. I will find you in the past and love you there." Tears came out. Continuing crying, he was the Graham Harper Doctor now. He put his hand to the force field where the head was closest. The Dalek rolled near it. The Douglas Camfield Doctor rose up and took his top hat off. "As for you, Dalek, I still have more work to do against you and your other universe compatriots." "You can do nothing!!!!!" "Ignore you is what I can do." The bearded Robert Banks Stewart Doctor waved a hand. "Oops, need that that for my work against your kind. Can't go leaving this station unprotected." "Face me!" The Dalek tried to get into the force field but only managed to bump against it. Christopher Barry Doctor. "This is me, ignoring you. See that. You not ignoring me? Not that many could." "I demand that you face me!!!! Or I shall destroy your friends in the other room!" The Irish Doctor, Damian McGinty responded with a thick, Irish accent. "Not friends. kie/__cb20120204032909/glee/images/1/1f/Damian-Mcginty-damian-mcginty-26877607-467-700.jpg "Face you?" A young faced Philip Hinchcliffe Doctor turned to face the Dalek. "Ewl. Who'd wanna face that face? Forgot, have you? You don't really have a face. As Daleks go, you're not up to much cop, are you? Not even a mutant inside?" "I..." The long haired Dutch Doctor Stian Smestad smirked but remained innocent and wide eyed. "A Dalek speechless." He turned from the console, his long flowing blond hair over almost still developing shoulders. "I've seen everything now. Or rather heard. What's more to go on for?" He turned back to his work. http://www.teenidols4you/blink/Actors/stian_smestad/ti4u_u010406134022.jpg "I..." The white haired John Inman Doctor clucked to himself. But out loud he said, "I'm free. My work is done so I'm free to chat with you, now, Dick...dal dick." http://upload.wikimedia/wikipedia/en/9/9b/JohnInman.jpg He looked at the still body of Damon. The Ron Moody Doctor dropped his smile. "Damon. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." He heard shots from inside the other room. The David Warner Doctor gasped as remembered whom he was fighting for. "Jesse, Jeremy. K9." The Richard Hearne Doctor swallowed, shrugged and turned to the devices. "Suckage. That's what we need! Suckage!" The Graham Crowden Doctor stopped working. "What was I doing?" He looked at his reflection in the devices on the wall. "Blimey. I look like bloody Soldeed." In a maniacal laugh, the Doctor grew his eyes wide and shouted, "I'm finally getting something done!!!!" He threw back his head and laughed again. At the same time, Jeremy had already started work on the device in the larger observational room. Two things happened at once. The door where the Doctor and Damon were---- slid shut. Jeremy looked at the door that had slid shut but he didn't have time to go to it or think about it. He, at the time, was had his own work to do. From behind him, he heard a familiar whine and turned. The white K9 was sliding on the floor. "K9!" Jeremy was elated. "That is K9?! Where'd you spring from?" Jesse emerged and heaved a large gun upward. "He came out of the closet." "Excuse me?" Jeremy asked. "Yeah." Jesse explained. "The TARDIS is still in the closet." "Does that mean he's gone back to being a she?" Jeremy asked. "What's going on?" Jeremy turned to K9, leaning down. "How are you feeling?" "Still a bit drained, Master but ready for whacktion." "Whacktion?" A whine and K9 corrected himself. "Action." "Good take a look at this." Jeremy gestured to the device. "Tell me what to do." "I'm ready..." Jesse looked up. Thousands of Daleks poured out of a hole in space just beyond the station. He could see them through the observation's huge windows which covered one whole wall and part of the roof. "So are they!" K9 extended a large antenna from his nose to the device. "Incompatible, Master J." "Can you tell me how to erect the force fields?" "Yes, Master." "Hurry it up!" Jesse warned, "I know the Doctor wouldn't want me to kill any of these...I think some of them are descending to Gallifrey!" "Okay, do it, K9, do it!" As K9 explained, Jeremy worked feverishly over the controls. "Gallifrey fields first." "It would be more logical to protect this station first." "Gallifrey first!" Jeremy yelled, "Gallifrey must not fall!" Jesse saw the wormhole cause a rift in the station, perverting time and space. A male voice, that of Rodin, echoed through a communications device. "Doctor, Damon, Jesse, Jeremy. If you can hear me, the station you are on. It's been knocked off course. It's heading downward. Losing altitude. You're descending towards Gallifrey!" Jesse looked up. "These Daleks. They sure are handy when it comes to science trickery...almost as good as the Doctor...Jeremy! No time! You and K9 get to the TARDIS! GET DOWN!" Daleks came through the wormhole corridor into the station, just overhead, one by one. "EX-TERM-IN-ATE!" "Jeremy run!" Jesse stood and urged. Jeremy yelled, "No. No, I've got to save Gallifrey. K9, help me!" "Okay." Jesse heaved the huge big space gun upward. "I'm sick of this running and hiding shit. You lot, you can put your suckers down and run for your lives or you can suck on me big gun." He jerked for effect and fired. Daleks exploded. Some blew back and hit others and they blew up, too. "D'ya like it?" "Stop! Stop!" A woman wore a Jet Pack on her back and flew down at Jesse, emerging from in between the Daleks. Jesse looked at her. "Who're you?!" He shot another Dalek, which hit the ones behind that one. "Wait! STOP! My name is Jenny...I'm a friend of the Doctor." "Negative, Master. She is a Robolady. In essence, a Dalek!" Jenny emitted a Dalek gun from her forehead. "HAAA!" She turned it at Jeremy's back. Jeremy ignored it all. Jesse shot Jenny in the head and her forehead blew up. A double blast hit her from Jesse's gun. Jenny exploded upward into cinders. He exploded a few more Daleks. One flew at Jeremy's back, who didn't turn as he worked. Jesse shot it and it exploded, all casing coming apart and raining down around Jeremy, who didn't move from his job. "I'm sorry, Doctor but I'm not gonna let them kill Jeremy and K9!" He shot more Daleks. "Orbit decaying." Rodan called from over the radio. "Collision time: a minute and a half." "YOU killed my Jenny!?!" Madam Vastra, a Silurian, also had on a jet back pack and flew down at Jesse and waved a huge sword. "I shall avenge her!" "K9?" K9 answered Jesse. "She and Jenny were the real ones. But taken over by Daleks, Master J." "Stop the Master J shit!" Jesse shot Madam Vastra's sword and it melted. She took out another one so he shot her. Her body turned into a huge green blob of slime. Jesse looked at the gun's nozzle. Madam Vastra exploded in a great green ball of shiny green particles. It rained down. Jesse knew the next voice was that of a Sontaran. "A palpable hit!" The Sontaran exclaimed. Behind a Dalek, this Sontaran flew at him, also wearing a jet pack on his back. More Daleks coming behind. Jesse shot the Daleks first. "I am Strax, the Sontaran nurse! I shall make you understand by force!" "Yeah, well nurse on this, stupid fucker!" Jesse shoots his jet pack, which sparks up. He then aimed at a Dalek's lower base to kill them. "Another palpable hit!" Strax gasped as he spun out of control and crashed into a Dalek. The sucker on the Dalek that he hit, landed on his nose and sucked his face into it. His face, like a sucked on balloon or ice cream, slowly vanished into the sucker. His face deflated into it. "This sucks!" He tried to continue to talk but it didn't work. His flesh was sucked out of his space suit and soon, the suit fell behind K9 and Jeremy, empty of Strax. Jesse shot more Daleks. "What's the limit on this gun, K9?" "Energy almost exhausted." K9 informed him. "Terrific. Then, when that happens, we're all gonna die!" Flat lands between mountains. A quaint, civilized but average village. Normal people on Gallifrey, a small, neat cottage. Family scene at breakfast. A bright faced boy with jet black hair asked his mother. "Are we safe, mom?" The mother, freshly cut blond hair (Lalla Ward) puts eggs on the table. "The Time Lords and all those people in the Citadel are supposed to protect us." "They might but they might not." The boy said. The father, a stout man, black hair, went to a window in the kitchen. The father looked out the window. "They are mostly corrupt." The boy frowned. "I heard that the ones in the Citadel were all killed by Daleks. And that they're on their way here to kill us." The father looked up at a clear orange sky. In single file, Daleks flew down at the cottage. He saw more Dalek lines in other places, descending out of the sky. His eyes went wide. The mother smiled and sat down on the corner of the table, facing the boy. "Don't believe everything you hear. Rumors, you know." "Well, maybe not all of them were killed." Boy asked, "Can any of them can help?" The Mother told him, "The Doctor will take care of us. He helps those like us, the normal people, the average people." The Doctor turned into the Bernard Cribbins, Mike Bentine, Jim Dale, and Fulton McCay Doctors as he worked. The changes, which at first barely slowed him down, were slowing his pace now. More Doctor dia/wiki/List_of_actors_considered_for_the_part_of_the_Doct or "I can do this, I can. I must do this." "Station to Gallifrey Collision time: 45 seconds!" An astronaut landed next to Jesse, who shot more Daleks. The human body used hands and arms to remove the helmet. "Help arrived, I hope?" "I'm Professor River Song." She had long curly hair, dark. She smiled and put out a hand. "Danger, Master, Danger! Extreme Danger!" Jesse shot River Song and the astronaut suit exploded. Wiring came out of it. He thought he saw little Daleks emerge from the suit but he didn't wait to find out. One started to grow to full size. He shot the lasers at it so that nothing was left of River or the suit or the little Daleks. "Imagine trying to Eddie Murphy ? Tony Randall ? Woody Allen sneak attack us!" He heaved the gun upward and shot more Daleks. "Daleks! Die!" The muscled Paul Telfer (NCIS, Hercules) Doctor worked on the controls, having to bend down slightly due to his large stature and height. He shrank slightly as he became the Brenton Thwaites (Blue Lagoon) Doctor. "Okay suckage on." The Harry Styles Doctor, not unlike the Fourth Doctor, looked down. "On I sang. On I wang! Oh, come on!" His hair turned red. The Rupert Grint (Harry Potter) Doctor squinted. "I must have got me sums wrong. Adric, where are you when I need you?" He moved his fingers over the board. The Aaron Johnson (Kickass) Doctor frowned. "I suppose I'll be seeing you very soon, Adric. The afterlife will be good..." "By the horns of the Sky Demon, I think I've got it!" The Jack Gleeson (Game of Thrones) Doctor punched the air. "That should do it. Give them a kick in the pants...if they wore any..." The Dominic Cooper Doctor smiled. "Now, I have to relax...what? Radiation from the bomb? Jesse. Jeremy." He squinted at a counter. He stooped to look at it. "It's do-able...I have to siphon the radiation off into myself to protect my ...my lovers..." The Korean Rain (Jung Ji Hoon) Doctor straightened up and patted himself down on his ribs and chest and belly. He smiled. "One last stand..." Kit Harrington (Game of Thrones) Doctor nodded and dropped his smile. "One last gesture of love and humanity..." The Dalek that killed Damon grew frightened. "Love? Humanity? What do you mean? WHAT DO YOU MEAN???!!!!" The father looking out the window, never turned to his family. "Of course the Doctor will save us. Of course, those nasty dirty ole Daleks won't be coming here." He could hardly believe it himself. "We have to have faith. Faith in God, faith in the Doctor." He tried to ignore the huge space station outlines that were appearing in the sky. The immediate threat was of the Daleks coming down at the cottage. He thought it odd that they did so in single file. "Yes." The Lalla Ward Mother laughed and closed her eyes. "C'mon now, eat your breakfast..." "Yes, mother." The father saw the Dalek near the roof of the cottage suddenly stop and back up. In fact, it flew backwards and moved to flying upward along with billions of its compatriots. "What the?" The Dalek lines were moving backwards. At first, it was difficult to see but he was sure they were moving out of the sky back into space. Then, he was sure as the calm sky of Gallifrey was devoid of Daleks. The Dalek that killed Damon screamed and flew up at the ceiling and the vortex opened and let it out but it collided with another Dalek and the two exploded. The Doctor looked up and took on joy in it but the vortex closed up the ceiling before he could see the burning mutant in space. In space, thousands of Daleks tried to get back to Gallifrey but found they were unable to. Some were burned up. Jeremy turned to K9, "You did it, K9! You did it!" "Negative, Master." "Wadda mean?" "We did it!" Jeremy leaned down, knelt by K9, and hugged him. "Show of affection unnecessary, Master...but welcome." Jeremy looked around. He saw the remains of battle. "And you..." "I'm sorry...I couldn't let them hurt you and K9." In the room where the Doctor was, he was now... the Eddie Redmayne Doctor. "Ohhaw. Look, I'm ginger again." The very young Doctor Issac Hempstead Wright (Game of Thrones) clicked his fingers. "There's something I've forgotten. It HAS been a busy day." "Look!" Jeremy pointed. The thousands of Daleks around Gallifrey were being sucked from it in one big line. Single file. They were sucked into the black hole. "Wow!" "K9!" Jesse gasped. "Yes Jaster?" "Stop. Go and make sure the TARDIS is secure and ready for take-off!" "Affirmative." K9 slid to the closet and into it. "That door just closed suddenly...I was too busy..." Jeremy looked at it. Then, he turned to Jesse. "The Doctor and Damon..." "They're in that room?" Jesse nodded. "Yeah," Jeremy said. He tried the buttons to open it. Nothing. "Doc, if you can hear me, stand back from the door. You, too, Damon. Don't be near that door!" Jeremy started to protest but Jesse used the last of the gun's power to blow the door down. Smoke filled the rooms from this. This was added to the smoke from burning Dalek casings and burning Dalek mutants. They heard Tom Baker's voice. "Stand back, Jesse, Jeremy. Back. Way back. I'm coming in now and the radiation from the bomb is still being absorbed by me. It shouldn't harm either of you but something else is happening to my body." 9th Doctor's theme: ube/watch?v=GNK291kugdo As he walked through the foggy misty room, the Doctor turned into these versions of himself: Richard Armitage (Robin Hood) Alex Watson bursa sınırsız escort (https://www.sokkan.net/dizin/bursa-sinirsiz-escort/) (Emma's brother) Christian Antidormi (Spartacus) Todd Lasance (Spartacus) Sam Underwood (Dexter, The Following) Benjamin Stone (Nine Lives of Chloe King) Alexander Vlahos (Dorian Gray, Merlin) "I said stay back," the Tom Baker voice said. "Fuck that." Jesse waved his hands to get rid of some of the smoke. "I can't see you." From a smoky fog, comes the Doctor...his form unstable...changing into the outlines of his previous selves (during 9th Doctor music) as he walks out to Jesse and Jeremy. ube/watch?v=GNK291kugdo Also: 13-58 seconds from: ube/watch?v=GevGXB-asMM Jesse and Jeremy saw each other on opposite sides, emerging from churning coats of mist. They turned toward the open hole in the wall where the door once was. The Doctor walked toward them. Behind him was flickering lights. They made a huge beam at times mixed with hanging wires from the battle, some of which swung behind and ahead, some of which sparked. The two boys could only see the Doctor's outline. It kept changing, along with the molecules of his clothes. The outline grew bigger at times, then smaller. These were outlines of the past Doctors. Jeremy thought he recognized some of them at first, but the Richard Armitage (Robin Hood), Alex Watson (Emma's brother), Christian Antidormi (Spartacus), Todd Lasance (Spartacus), Sam Underwood (Dexter, The Following) and Benjamin Stone (Nine Lives of Chloe King) Doctor's he didn't recognize. In between were Doctors he did recognize. Long scarf. Short scarf. Straw hat. Lapels being held. Long purple cape looking much darker in the shadows. Red tie of the Alexander Vlahos Doctor. The Jon Pertwee voice responded. "The radiation's affected my degenerations, fellows. My body's cells -----jumping around in my history...and even becoming some ...some...most future Doctors and some alternate and parallel Doctor bodies. Some that never existed and might never exist. I don't know." Jesse called out. "What will happen to you?" "It's very unstable. You mustn't touch me. I'm coming in now." As he walked, the outline became the ones the boys knew well. They saw the short Second Doctor outline. The Doctor tried to make them smile or laugh as he kicked one foot into the other in a little jump. The outline changed again to that of the Third Doctor. Then it became short again as the 7th Doctor outline hit. The Doctor walked toward them but slowly. A wire swung in front of him. He ignored it and kept walking, the wire sparking leaving the front of his body, actually brushing against it. The outline changed again to the taller Sixth Doctor, the curly blond hair unmistakable, even in this silhouette. The Doctor's colors and features could still not be seen but only the outline as the light behind did this. (9th Doctor ?the Doctor theme as he kisses Rose and carries her into the TARDIS in PARTING OF THE WAYS) The Sixth Doctor gave way to the Eighth Doctor outline. Paul McGann's voice said, "I'm coming in. Don't touch me." Jesse looked from the Doctor's from to Jeremy. Their eyes met. They both nodded "no" and then "yes". They looked back at the Doctor and saw the leather jacket and knew this to be the Ninth Doctor. Then the spindly legs of the 11th. "Geronimo." He said in Matt Smith's voice, "Degenerations are cool..." "No," Jesse murmured so that he couldn't hear, "They're not." The Doctor continued to walk at them. His outline became that of the First Doctor. Then, the big hair of the Tenth. Finally, the form had a huge floppy hat and a long scarf. The Fourth Doctor walked out of the fog at them. Whirlpools of mist wrapped him. He emerged. Chills ran down their arms and up and down their legs to their chest and along their spine. The room vibrated slightly and almost knocked them off their feet. "That's supposed to happen." He said with the voice of the 9th Doctor. He cleared his throat, and his voice became Tom Baker's, "Nothing at all to worry about. I managed to right the station. That wormhole, which by the way is closed now thanks to me..." He pulled on his lapels like the First Doctor. They could see him now. He walked at them but stopped short, almost falling over. "I thought I told you both to not come near me." He rounded toward the other side of the large room. "Have you two ever listened to me?" He held out his palms. "Hmm?" "Lots of times," Jeremy murmured. "Doctor, is this it?" "No, no. I've set it. It might take a few minutes time but the station will right itself into place. The artificial gravity might cut off for a bit as it moves into position again, you know, around Gallifrey." "I didn't mean that. I meant you. Are you going to die?" "It's my final degeneration. And the moment has not been prepared for. I'm a very unstable Doctor. Saving Gallifrey, I may lose myself forever." "Where's Damon?" "He lost himself forever. He didn't make it, Jeremy. He saved my life. Enabled me to close off the room you were in, Jeremy. By the way, nice job of force fielding off Gallifrey and saving it. You, too, Jesse. I don't think any of us would be here if you hadn't been brave enough to do what you had to do." "Thanks for saying that. I'm sorry about Damon." Jesse put in. "Me, too." The Doctor looked down. "I like him," Jesse added. "I liked ...like him, too," Jeremy added. "He helped us all ...a great deal." "You must get back now. What's happening to me can kill you both if I touch you. K9 will take you back to Earth...get into the TARDIS...in time, you'll forget..." "Without you?" Jesse asked. "We're supposed to go into the TARDIS and forget about you..." "Forever..." The Fourth Doctor said, "I can't keep the clothing on even...and soon me skin will go...I don't want you to see me like this." END DOCTOR THEME. Jesse came forward as the Doctor backed up. "You can't always get what you want," he sang. ube/watch?v=CppqHevB4WM ROSE music and the ROSE music from SATAN'S PIT. ube/watch?v=bPWDUMzJ1i4 ube/watch?v=QMwomsJ9MR0 at 1:52 (Rose variation) Prefer the Rose MUSIC from the first Concert. ube/watch?v=CppqHevB4WM "Where I go you cannot now follow. If you touch me, I don't know what will happen. The degeneration power might..." "Shhh, shhhh now." Jesse put his forefinger over the Doctor's mouth. He locked eyes with those of the wounded gaze of the Time Lord. They could both feel the power, which gave them a warm feeling. That soon grew to a feeling of euphoria and gave rise to their sex. The Doctor's look was of love. Jesse's of sacrifice and love behind it or vice versa. The power was also dissipating their clothing slowly. They could feel it brushing against their skin as it slowly left, moving into nothingness, off their skin, leaving only ripe-for-sex flesh. "The time for talk is over." The Doctor wasn't sure if his good feelings were from just the thought of the sacrifice these two were willing to make or from the degeneration power changing somehow...to something else...he felt chills of love... "Might kill you both. Or mix us all up together...there'll be the most terrible mutations...I can't allow that..." Those rich Tom Baker tones. And he put his hands out and up. Jesse looked at the Doctor's arms and then took the Doctor's forearms. He felt good. "Shhhh." Jeremy, similarly energized, got behind the Doctor. He was naked now, just like Jesse and the Doctor. Jeremy took the floppy hat off the Doctor's curls and tossed it. "I can't shhhh. I can't ask anyone to do that." Jeremy smiled and over the Doctor's shoulder locked eyes with Jesse. Jeremy spoke. "You can't ask. You can't deny." He nodded his head up and down to Jesse, who nodded back in the affirmative. Jeremy spread the Doctor's hands and made him spread his arms. The Doctor turned to Jeremy. Jesse started to rub the Doctor's back and shoulders. Down by his ribs. Jeremy takes the Doctor's hands and put his fingers in them and raises them up. He turns the Doctor around to face Jesse. Jesse is looking down. He looks up at the Doctor's face. The Tom Baker Doctor forced a smile. Jesse touches the Doctor's fingers and moved him bodily out into the center of the floor. As they did so, the station moved. Outside the window it appeared that Gallifrey was moving slightly upward as the station began to move into place. The face of the Tom Baker Doctor changed. It became the Doctor they knew so long ago. Their first Doctor. The Doctor they met in his room on Long Island where the Master had tried to fool him into thinking the Doctor was his own son...to rob the Doctor's mind and sanity and power. Jesse had to get lower now as he was taller than this Doctor. He kissed his ear. From behind, Jeremy kissed the same ear. Jeremy and Jesse kiss each other over the Doctor's ear and then engulf the ear with their tongues and mouths. As they made love, outside the station, the planet swirled around as the station began to right itself. Jesse moved his head from shoulder to nipple and found that he was kissing the blond Adam Rickett Doctor. He looked up as he moved his body lower along the Doctor's and Jon Lee Doctor smiled down at him and shut his eyes, both in ecstasy and shame. "I shouldn't be letting you do this." Jesse licked the navel outtie of the Adam Rickett Doctor and as he pushed his tongue into it, bulging into it, he found it sank inward. He averted his eyes upward and saw the face of the Jon Lee Doctor smiling down at him. The body changed under his tongue again and there was one of the red headed muscular Doctors, freckles even on his belly. Behind the Doctor, Jeremy laid his body as smoothly against the Doctor's as he could. Their contours fit into each other like a hand in glove. Slinky, curved, tight muscled. His sex rose up along the Doctor's changing back. The Rain Doctor's back was muscled. Jeremy thought, "Asian, oh my." Tight and hairless. Jeremy shook his hips to allow his dick to rise more freely. The Rain Doctor gave way to the Adam Rickett Doctor and he pushed Jesse away. "Helping me regenerate by making love...stabilizing...could be bad for..." "Don't you ever shut up?" Jesse asked as he moved back toward the Doctor and took his hands. From behind, Jeremy also took the hands, all three of htem mingling their hands with each other as well as their bodies. Their Doctor appeared again. To Jeremy, it reminded him of the choreography he had to go through in order to have the dance scene with Wendy in his Peter Pan movie in 2003. This was so much better, he thought and timeless. The idea that their love making was reaching new heights and depths wasn't lost in Jesse either. He realized it was like some dance number in one of his music videos, only more romantic. The Doctor tried to twirl Jesse outward, away from himself while also moving in some kind of knee bending action lunge away from Jeremy, too. The two boys wouldn't have it. 2:25 to 2: 28 Jeremy held the Doctor's right wrist from behind. Jesse held the left from the front. Together they danced toward him as one, one from behind and one from ahead. The Doctor's body tingled. The power that rose around him glowed blue, then orange, then yellow. It began to engulf them all. But they continued to do their dance. Eventually, the Doctor gave in and embraced Jesse. From behind, Jeremy hugged him in a semi bear hug. There was nothing semi about his penis though. It was slicking up the Doctor's stabilizing back. Jesse had both hands as did Jeremy, once more. He drew himself into the Doctor, staring at his eyes. He met the Doctor's mouth and mingled with it. His penis rose up the Doctor's stomach, wetting it. Then, the Doctor's drew up and mingled around Jesse's, the two of them sword fighting. Jeremy's hands knew the Doctor's front intimately. More so now. Every touch, every slide, every motion of the strong but tender hands made the Doctor's skin tingle with excitement and warmth. Fluidity and every cell seemed to have an orgasm. The station computer, a female voice gave a report. "Station moving into place. Gravity momentarily suspended to allow for planetary motion adjustment." As they danced and made love, their bare feet left the ground and the energy around their feet gyrated, along with their orgasmic cells exploding with power. The lights flickered and remained half on, dim light filling the room as they flew and continued their love making. To all of them, it was romantic. The light from the Gallefrean sun radiated through the windows but slowly became half blocked by the huge form of the closer proximity of Gallifrey itself. The reflected light from the further moons joined it. Motion. Movement. The three figured flew in the air, slowly while outside the windows the planet moved as the station moved into position. Space seemed to twirl outside the window. Jesse turned the Doctor to face Jeremy, who gently shoved the Doctor off him and the Doctor's back flew to Jesse, Jesse nodding to Jeremy to do so. Jesse was ready. His penis fit nicely into the Doctor's juicy, eager anus as the Doctor's body made contact with his. Jeremy then flew at the Doctor and smiled. The Doctor held his arms out and as he flew, Jeremy turned. The Doctor fit his member neatly into Jeremy's pulsating, waiting, puckering hole. The three of them flew as one and then head over feet turned upside-down and shook with fun sex. They moaned lightly as they turned sideways, their penises all enlarging, engorging, pressing on the inner chambers, enlarging their insides. Jeremy's man juice emitted and flew ahead of him. They turned fully around to straight up and then repeated the movement twice more. On the third attempt, they moved horizontally and remained there for a bit, their writhing, mingling bodies becoming one. Jesse was on top of the Doctor, the Doctor in the middle, Jeremy below, facing downward. The Doctor grabbed Jeremy's shoulders and fucked him and let loose inside him. Then he removed himself. Jeremy turned to the Doctor in mid air, still horizontal. His member was re-engorged. His balls full again. He smiled that mischievous smile, raised one eyebrow higher than the other and jerked his hips up at the Doctor. Jesse moved up and down and filled the Doctor with seed, too. Gallifrey spun around them outside the windows. Stars moved. The very heavens seemed to open up. The Doctor bent his legs and curled them up as Jesse unstuck him and piled a bunch of white goo on his bare back, some of which stayed, some of which floated upward. Jesse smiled and put both hands from the Doctor's rib sides to the sides of his glutes and jerked it so that the Doctor's open hole, moving in and out, was facing Jeremy's driving hips, dick first. As they swirled again, their position didn't change. Jeremy put his inside the Doctor's and Jesse followed suit, both of them fucking the Doctor at the same time. The Doctor squirmed with pleasure and tried to stay in that position but it was difficult with two manhoods fighting for space in him. The two slowed down to make it last. What made it entirely more pleasurable were two things. One was the regeneration power. The Doctor knew it by the different feel of it from the degeneration power---the two processes felt different. He wanted to SO explain to his lovers but didn't want to ruin this experience by talking. The second thing that made it pleasurable was the fact that he was still changing. His body changed as the two boys were within him. The station orbited the sun and as the sun came up, it rose with the power of the regeneration. 3:01, 3:02 In the closet, the TARDIS visibly throbbed. The top of the light came on and seemed to emit more light and maybe something else. It started to float but inside it, K9 put an antenna to the console. He controlled the TARDIS and righted the time-space machine to the floor. As they all reached cum, all three of them were blown away from each other. The Doctor was blown back to a wall but wasn't hurt as the regeneration power slowed him before he hit and the power made his back stronger anyway. Jesse was blown upward and almost hit the ceiling but laughed at his flight. Jeremy was blown downward, his dick ripped from the Doctor's anus and a cuddle with Jesse's dick inside the Doctor. Jesse pushed himself off the ceiling with his feet and hands, facing downward. Jeremy pushed himself from the ground, doing a manly push up in a push up position. The Doctor kicked off the wall. The trio met in the air. The world outside whirled. It started to slow down. "We...we're one. We might be sharing each other's traits." Jesse and Jeremy kissed. The Doctor's nipples happened to be between their mouths when they did so. They görükle escort (https://www.sokkan.net) kissed along his chest, each other's mouths. "I might be more human thanks to you two mixing into my regeneration and you two, might be more Time Lord/Gallefrean. We...don't you have anything to say?" Jeremy looked the Doctor's way. "My Christmas Tree is incomplete because you're not on top." "What?" "You're an angel. And I want you on top of me tree." Jeremy grabbed the Doctor's crotch. So did Jesse. Jeremy put his head on the Doctor's shoulder from the front. Jesse from behind, this time. They hugged his body and felt the power tingle on their hands and it flowed as if from one to the other but they weren't sure which. It felt like thick ropes, solid, moving from their hands into him and out of him into them. The Doctor rested his head on Jeremy's chest. The three figures, as one, twirled. The Auto Female Station voice cut in. "Gravity righted." The trio found their feet meeting the floor again. "You can both let go of me crotch now." Spent, for the moment, they laid on the floor, all three side by side, Jesse, The Doctor, Jeremy. Jesse and Jeremy had the same idea and both laughed as they rolled onto the Doctor's chest at the same time. "Hey, watch it!" The Doctor gasped. "You're both very heavy." "Oh, you big baby." Jesse giggled out. "You're still full of that power. Nothing can hurt you at this point." "You both took an awfully daring chance doing that. It might have engulfed you. Put your body into mine..." "We did THAT ourselves." Jeremy reminded him. "Reminded me of the first time we made love. The first time we met," Jesse added. "You saved me life," the Doctor said, "Again." "You save ours every day," Jeremy stated. ube/watch?v=CppqHevB4WM We see the family again. The husband appeared from out of a back door to a bedroom. "Where's my suit, Rommie?" The mother tolds him where it was. The boy smiled. "Gallifrey is safe now." "Yes, thanks to the Doctor and his friends." "Call them what they are, dear. Lovers." "Yes, dear." "Good, good." The husband called to his wife. "Romana." In the TARDIS, the Doctor put his hand on K9's back. K9 was on the floor. "You're a good dog, K9. Have a recharge on me." The console's main column, the time rotor, began to move up and down. "Appreciated Master..." K9 cooed. "En route to Gallifrey." Damon's funeral ube/watch?v=Ha0ibZee9g4 The TARDIS slowly materializes on Gallifrey in a large dark, silent chamber. The lights go on and into the room enters Roman, Rodan, Engin, a younger Engin, Spandrell, and the First Borusa (Angus Mckay). The TARDIS doors open inward. Light behind a figure. The Doctor. Holding someone in his arms. The Doctor carries Damon's body out of the TARDIS. Borusa clicks his fingers. Many Time Lords in red armor come in and carry a large metallic, gray coffin. On the front is the emblem of the Time Lord insignia. Prydonian. Jeremy rubbed his arm against his wet face, behind the Doctor, exiting the TARDIS. Jesse is behind him and puts a hand on his back. By itself, the coffin opens. The Doctor puts Damon inside, crying. Tears of the Doctor's hit Damon's face. Jesse whispered, "Just like this? Don't you..." Someone was playing the piano. A Time Lady named Melanie was vocalizing. "The power...it's how I gave K9 his extra boost inside the TARDIS ...but this..." The Doctor touched both hands to Damon. For a second, Jesse thought this would reanimate Damon. Bring him back to life. The Doctor must have known what Jesse was thinking. "He's used up all his lives." "So he can't come back. He couldn't have used up... "He only has 13 lives...12 regenerations. And he used them up for me." "But you have so many...?" "I'm lucky. I have a lot more than most..." "Doctor..." Jesse's words stuck in his throat. Damon's body restored to a full body again. It looked as if he had not even had anything happen to it. No trauma. He looked calm and peaceful. Jesse half smiled. Jeremy was crying and had to turn away. Roman came behind him and put a hand on his shoulders from behind. Jeremy turned to him and they hugged. Rodan, the man, looked at Jesse from across the coffin and nodded. Jesse smiled. Poles rose from the floor and sported the coffin with Damon in it. The Time Lady continued to vocalize. The coffin rose up above the poles, which withdrew into the floor again. "Wha?" Jesse drew up beside the Doctor. "Watch." The Doctor pointed. A vortex opened up and spread wind throughout the chamber. Jesse and Jeremy's hair blew. The coffin moved toward it. Jesse looked at Jeremy, who shrugged and nodded. Another vortex opened up and another. They looked different from one another. Different colors. The coffin split into 13 different coffins. Each one moved over a vortex and hovered there. As they watched Jeremy moved over to Jesse and the Doctor, joining them at Jesse's side. Jeremy was amazed. "It's like a burial at sea...only..." "In time." Jesse finished for him. "Each coffin will find its place in time. It's how Time Lords are buried as you so put it." The Doctor looked up. "Goodbye Damon. I'll never forget you." "Nor shall we," Jeremy added. "You humans have your burials at sea and later in your future, in space...we have this..." The Doctor nodded to them. They watched the 13 coffins vanish and then the vortexes followed suit. The chamber was soon quiet again. "Jesse, Jeremy, meet Borusa." Jesse gasped and moved back, cautious. "Be careful, Doctor! Borusa!" The Doctor gripped and squeezed Jesse's right hand. "It's a Borusa who isn't the same. One from before all that but with the knowledge of what happened. He knows the error of his ways. Don't you Borrie, old dear?" "Yes. Yes. Glad to be of time changing value to you all." Jeremy squinted, unsure. Jesse frowned. "I'm sure we're all going to be friends." Borusa put his hand out to Jeremy. Jeremy shrugged. "What the hell." He shook it. Jesse moved back. "Don't even...friends?" He pointed his finger up at Borusa, bending his arm. "After what you tried to do to us..." "It's a different Borusa, Jesse. I telepathically filled him in while we were en route in the Ship." "TARDIS? Call it TARDIS, Doctor." "Very well," the Doctor said, "TARDIS!" Borusa took the Doctor aside, holding his arm. "Watch this one Doctor, he has the devil in his eyes. don't turn your back on him." Jesse saw this and tried to get between them but kept hopping up to peer over their shoulders to listen. "I have several times. He's never cum up short." Jesse came from behind and was at the Doctor's side. "Not everything has to be about sex, Doctor." "I wasn't talking about sex." "I trust him implicitly. I've never been happier with anyone, him and Jeremy." "No doubt the other one. He's got the angel in him." Borusa nodded to where Jeremy was standing, talking to Rodan and Roman. "I can see that in his eyes. But this one..." He nodded to Jesse. Jesse was about to say something, his fists clenched. The Doctor stood in front of him to address Borusa. "I know him fully. I know what he is and isn't. And he knows me. And I don't appreciate you talking about Jesse that way..." Roman took the Doctor by the arm. "Doctor, I have something to say to you." "Uh oh." Roman was about the same size as this Doctor. He moved his face at him and kissed him deeply. "Oh, uh..." Roman broke the kiss and then added, "And this...to say..." He slapped the Doctor's face. "Oh, uh. Uh oh." "Yes, don't ever leave me out of..." "You saw what happened to Damon?" "Yes," Roman said. "I know. You were protecting me. Yet, you took the two..." "They belong with me. Forever." Turning a bit, Roman's eyes looked down. "I was protecting you." Roman moved over to the Doctor's face again and kissed him deeply again. Jesse was left staring indignantly at Borusa. He was a bit show-offy, challenge in his eyes, almost threatening Borusa to try something again. As the Doctor said his goodbyes and shook hands and arms with the male Roman and the very male Rodan, Jesse walked backward, his face and body to Borusa. He stopped and turned and then turned around back to him. He walked back up to Borusa, proudly. He whispered, "I won't hurt the Doctor. And I won't disappoint him. Or you. See, I do care about you and not just because you're the Doctor's friend." The Doctor, Jesse and Jeremy moved toward the TARDIS as one. They held each other's hands, Jeremy on the right side, the Doctor in the middle, and Jesse on the left. Turning their backs to the Time Lords and Gallefreans, the trio moved to the TARDIS as one and passed through the doors. The doors closed. In the dark alcove between doors and the entrance to the console room, Jesse said, "So that was your planet, aye, Doctor." "Yes, yes." "Don't like it." "Aye? Well, it was one of 16 Gallifreys." Jeremy opened the inner doors with a push. The Doctor started to follow. "Was? What do you mean was?" "There were at one time some 26 Gallifreys. Different versions. That was just one or two of them." "26? So was that your past or not? I'm so confused!" Jesse said. "Don't worry about it." Jeremy pulled his arm from around the Doctor. "Come on. Let's get inside the nice warm and safe TARDIS, shall we?" The TARDIS started to dematerialized. Roman smiled. Rodan smiled. Flavia smiled. Engin and Engin smiled. Spandrell nodded. Borusa smiled. "For time eternally, that's how it is supposed to be ...The Doctor in the TARDIS with Jeremy and Jesse." Over a loud speaker, they heard K9's voice. "And K9." "Yes, and K9," Borusa stubbornly added. He rolled his eyes. TARDIS vanished slowly. END THEME: METAL VERSION... ube/watch?v=ucDQlnvU5FM NOTE: to see the episodes that were in black and white in full color you must buy the DVD from the BBC or rather, Amazon UK, who are usually pretty good, for an inordinate amount of pounds, then hope the DVD doesn't fuck up, hope they won't ask you send them back for a replacement like that messed up book DOCTOR WHO: THE VAULT, then tell you don't have to send it back, and then charge you for it! In any case, the full color versions of these Drax/Monk created black and whites will be available one way or the other. See the net for bootlegs... Alternately...the full closing to Hartnell and Troughton... ube/watch?v=EwUgh073qqE